The Fat Vegetarian's Diary: Why did I become a Vegetarian
(Thought of Creative Names and Failed Miserably.... Moving on)
So people been asking "Reeyana, why are you a vegetarian?" and each time I am asked that question I cringe. Why? Well I usually have to debate with somenone about my personal beliefs and majority of the time, its at the wrong time. I'm wither at work or at school and I am most likely on a time crunch. And that is the magic time that they will ask me what I'm eating; and I'll respond a vegetarian meal or meatless chik'n tenders, rice and salad. Then they proceed to ask me, what is meatless chik'n strips?(Please imagine that sentence in a mocking voice) I proceed to tell them what it is, though I'm sure they understand the over all gist but I'll just break it down for them a bit and waste ten minutes of my 30 or 60 lunch minute break. Yah.
Next these Looney Tunes/Friends proceed to tell me how they could never do it; they love chicken to much and how I am crazy to be giving up all that "deliciousness". "Here try some of my chicken". Oh how I wish I could insert the rolling eyes emoji. Now, if I wanted to ruin their meals I could easily pull out my phone and show them a slaughter house with the many different death photos and videos of the animals they are currently eating but truth be told they wouldn't stand for that. And why would I ever do that to someone while they are waiting. That would be too much for them. The truth would be too much. Not only do people not care about what they eat but they don't care about how it was prepared. Now that's not my business and I definitely don't intend to start pushing my lifestyle onto anyone but my future family haha but in the same instance shouldn't people be bothered when they do it to me?
Many people have their reasons for being vegan, or vegetarian and for me I consider myself simply vegetarian, I still eat cheese and I refuse to give up French Toast. Well that was until last week. I'll save that for another day but I am thinking of transitioning into a vegan.
So Why Am I A Vegetarian?
BECAUSE I WANT TO BEEE!!!!! Totally just kidding, heres the deal. So Four short years ago, I was in my dorm room late at night, on Facebook, eating when I clicked on a link and started watching inspirational video called " Best Speech You'll Ever Hear" by Gary Yourofsky's . Note I didnt think it was about converting to meat free healthy living but hell I was probably failing one of my test and questioning college and my role in the world. So after I watched it for a few minutes I realized his speech was focused on Animal Rights, and the abuse of the planet. I know some of you may think "She is a loony or some sort of Hippie" but trust me the message is true. Why do humans stuff their faces with animals just to compensate for their hunger. I found myself, feeling empowered that I could help the cause by spending one less dollar in that industry. What does that really mean that I am not buying meat? I honestly do not know, I doubt the meat industry is affected by less contributions of my money but with a team of supporting people, I know that a small crack in the foundation of that broken industry is sure to spread and release more secrets and more harmful environmental facts. The Land, The Water, The Animals and The People are all being contaminated and they are direct results of the environments that happen within these slaughter houses.
Not only was I disgusted but I could not finish my food. I am sure I was eating Cream of Wheat because that was one of my favorite late night snacks. The video showed how the food we ate was created and how much animals had to be tortured just to feed us. How sick people could really be? Really Sick, Imagine someone hanging you upside down and splitting your throat wide open while still fully conscious. Imagine someone stuffing you into a small cage with so many other animals that you can barely breath and most times suffocate because there is not enough air to support your breathing. Imagine being dehorned, branded (on the face), tail docked, castrated, suffering from extreme deprivation, scared and beaten frequently. Imagine all of that in the last sentence without any pain killers. To frightened to finish reading? Well you should be. You should be sick to your stomach that anyone could treat animals that way. Someone is probably out there laughing, saying they are just animals but let me remind you how most of the behaviour's they perform on these animals were once performed on Africans during the Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade. Don't believe so? Here's a few examples: Deprivation, Fear, Beatings, Branding, Cramped traveling spaces, castrations and murder. and its weird how that one video not only opened my eyes, it prompted me to feel and be aware of something that was happening to animals around the world for my and the rest of the worlds sick consumption, entertainment, clothing, safety and etc. I am not hear to judge anyone on their lifestyles but only to inform everyone to be aware of what happens to the animals, the land, the environment, the water, the efficiency and the people when you support these industries.
I also watched a new documentary called Earthlings. Now this documentary was about a hour and 40 minutes long I believe but I honestly cried through most of it. It reminded me of Garys original video I watched four years ago. It was more informative and showed you more of what people ignored. Now I don't sit around at home watching videos about Animal Rights, I was actually watching the video about SandraBland's death and the Anonymous groups response to it. Now there is no secret that I actually like Anonymous (is it illegal to say that?). I like the fact that they expose the wrong doings of big institutions. Who doesn't like that? So mean while I was officially liking their page. I saw the promotion for the documentary and next thing you know I went from watching ten minutes until the full documentary ended. Now I will admit I was a tad bit disappointed because I had something to do and I always get lost in time and procrastinate from my original assignment. Anyway, I am posting the link here because I need as many people as possible to watch it not for any special promotion or anything but because I care about fair treatment and even if you continue on your original track at least you know what is happening in the world. As long as you are educated about the cause and the effects then my mind is more at peace then it would be had someone not known.
What Goes Around Comes Around.... Reap What You Sow
Special Shoutout to my loving father who still thinks that my vegetarianism is a diet that just hasn't been successful because I am still fat. Got to love him hahahah XOXOXOXO
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